Docs / rescript-react / Installation



  • rescript@9.1.2 or later (alternatively for older codebases: bs-platform@8.3 or later)

  • react@16.8.1 or later

Add following dependency to your ReScript project (in case you don't have any project yet, check out the installation instructions in the manual):

npm install @rescript/react

Then add the following setting to your existing bsconfig.json:

{ "reason": { "react-jsx": 3 }, "bs-dependencies": ["@rescript/react"] }

To test your setup, create a new .res file in your source directory and add the following code:

// src/Test.res @react.component let make = () => { <div> {React.string("Hello World")} </div> }

Now run npx rescript and you should see a successful build.

Exposed Modules

After a successful installation, @rescript/react will make following modules available in your project's global scope:

  • React: Bindings to React

  • ReactDOM: Bindings to the ReactDOM

  • ReactDOMServer: Bindings to the ReactDOMServer

  • ReactEvent: Bindings to React's synthetic events

  • ReactDOMStyle: Bindings to the inline style API

  • RescriptReactRouter: A simple, yet fully featured router with minimal memory allocations